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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Meal prep container review

A few months back I got the meal prep containers pictured below. If you have been part of any fitness community or googled anything fitness related you've heard about meal prep and how important it is. I agree that what you put in your body is as important if not more than the physical aspect.

I bought these containers to aid me in the process of getting the right carb, vegetable and protein proportions down. They worked great for the first month. When I first got them I was leery of the flimsy edge fearing it would break within the first week. I was wrong and right at the same time. The edge didn't break in the first week it broke the second month.

I give them a lot of credit though for putting up with the abuse they went through. They held up in the freezer and microwave without snapping or leaking. They traveled in lunch boxes to and from work without the kids coming off and forcing you to have no lunch and a huge mess. All in all for the price I paid I can't complain too much. This is a lesson learned in the world of meal prep containers.

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